Your right now matters. Discover how to press in and not check out.
Do you ever feel like your present moment is so far from where you really long to be? Do you ever struggle with embracing your right now because you are so focused on the future?
Too often, we feel disappointed with our "right now"—our life circumstances, our relationships, our lack progress towards our dreams and goals, our daily grind. We want to do so many things—good, godly things—but our situations don't allow us to step into them.
In Now and Not Yet, bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons has a powerful message for you when you're restless in your current season of life and just waiting—waiting to get beyond the pain, waiting for God to show up, waiting to get to tomorrow—she reminds you that it's okay to not like the right now we've been given, but we don't have to like it to lean in.
Join Ruth as she shares a beautiful invitation for you to:
Now and Not Yet will help you see that your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. With deep compassion, Ruth will help you see how God is profoundly present, how He wastes nothing, how He's active and using this exact moment for the very purposes he's calling you to.