Savy's got secrets that she'll never tell
A nobody, a nothing, all alone, she's in hell
They walk past her, ignore her, like she's not even there
When all she ever wanted was someone to care
No one sees her until she steps into that cage
She flutters her wings and plays her part on a stage
She hides behind her mask and dances to their tune,
terrified of the day that her secrets will bloom
When the mask is ripped away, and they rage at the lie,
the Butterfly finally stops dancing
and will learn how to fly
Dance Butterfly Dance is book 1 of a duet and is completed in
Burn Butterfly Burn
A contemporary why choose romance set in the third year of university. Multi POV, multiple love interests, very detailed high steam scenes, No full MM but a fluid scene with her in the middle.
Savy St. James is a sad lonely girl with too many secrets to count. She hides away in her oversized frumpy clothes and thick glasses wishing she was brave enough to be seen without her mask.
One small favor backfires and forces her into a fake date deal by the school's hot shot quarterback. Him and his three best friends treat her like a pet to play with and are careless with her until she's had enough and breaks the deal. But when her secrets are revealed and her masks are stripped away, they will all burn for it.